The Connection Between Chiropractic Care and Easier Breastfeeding | Bottle Feeding

Is your breastfeeding or bottle-feeding journey not going as you had hoped? Trust me when I say you are not alone! Many mothers face challenges when it comes to navigating how to feed their newborn. Whether it is a painful latch, extended feeding times, falling asleep at feeds, clicking noises, difficulty on one side, etc., infant chiropractic care can help! Read on for more on:

  • which providers should be on your team

  • potential causes for difficulty breastfeeding or bottle feeding

  • how baby chiropractic care can help to improve breastfeeding or bottle feeding

Common Challenges Faced by Breastfeeding and Bottle Feeding Mothers

Breastfeeding and bottle feeding may be a natural process, but it certainly does not always come easy. It’s easy for what many see as a beautiful bonding experience to become overwhelming when it is suddenly a frustrating and painful experience. Challenges that I commonly see as a postpartum and pediatric chiropractor include:

1. Nipple Soreness/Pain: Nipple pain is an extremely common concern among breastfeeding mothers. It can range from mild discomfort to intense pain, making breastfeeding a dreaded task.

2. Difficulties with Latch: A proper latch is crucial for successful breastfeeding. When tiny tot has difficulty latching properly, it can lead to inefficient milk transfer, clicking sounds, lip blisters, popping off, falling asleep during feeds, extended and/or frequent feeds, nipple soreness, gassiness, colic and frustration for both momma and baby.

3. Preferring One Breast: Some little nuggets are absolute champs on one breast, but then really struggle when switched to the other. Moms commonly report one breast is more painful as well. This is commonly due to tension patterns within baby!

4. Gassiness | Colic: If baby isn’t able to feed “optimally” and is taking in air during feeds, we can end up with uncomfy gassiness and even colic. This can be extremely impactful and leads to a great deal of stress for everyone within the family unit.

The great news is… all of these concerns can be addressed! All of these concerns can be caused by a poor latch, improper use of the tongue and other structures of the mouth, tongue or lip tie in the baby, etc. A pediatric chiropractor with specific training (shameless plug for myself here) can help you not only understand the underlying causes behind the symptoms, but also provide you with resources, other providers and “quarterback” your care so you have one less thing to worry about. Providers should ALWAYS work TOGETHER to find a solution that is best for mom and baby both.

Trusting somebody with the care of a child is not something to take lightly, and I both trust and greatly appreciate Dr. Dani. We worked with her before and after a lip cheek and tongue tie release for our newborn, and her ability to come to our home made things really easy. She explained what she was doing as she went, and any findings she observed which was helpful for us. She also proactively and effectively communicated with our lactation consultant which made for a great team effort to support our child. I wholeheartedly recommend her to others who may be looking for a pediatric chiropractor.

The Role of Chiropractic Care in Breastfeeding

If you’ve never seen a baby adjusted, it can sound a bit scary. I can assure you it is the most gentle and adorable process. Infant chiropractic helps to reduce the tension that is likely contributing to difficulty at the breast or bottle. Tension and asymmetry can affect baby's ability to latch properly and maintain a comfortable position during breastfeeding. Baby chiro care helps to reduce tension caused by:

A pediatric chiropractor looks at more than just the spine. Baby chiropractors are evaluating fascial tension that might be contributing to dysfunction, the overall function of individual areas AND the body as a whole. As evident with almost immediate poops and naps post-adjustment, we are also helping to regulate baby’s nervous system which can help immensely if tiny tot is really “ramped up” and refusing breast or bottle. Appointments should absolutely include an evaluation of the structures and function of the mouth. Based on those findings, a pediatric chiropractor will coordinate care with other necessary providers (to address underlying causes if there are signs it’s not just tension related) and outline a plan of action for mom and baby. Keep reading to see who these providers are!

Who Should You See if You’re Struggling with Breastfeeding or Bottle Feeding?

If there is a concern with breast or bottle feeding, there is not one provider that has all the answers. A team approach will address the various concerns and causes of mom and baby’s symptoms. A quick and easy answer to this is:

  1. lactation- IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant)

  2. bodyworker with specialized training (pediatric chiropractor, pediatric PT and/or pediatric OT, craniosacral therapist, etc.)

These are the first people you should see if you are having feeding concerns. This will address the oral dysfunction as well as the compensations and contributing factors throughout the body. If you are in the Denver area, here is a list of trusted providers that I commonly work with. Ideally, lactation and a bodywork provider should coordinate care and discuss their findings to best determine if anyone else needs to be seen (ex. pediatric dentist if there is an oral tie).

Since Dr. Dani is a postpartum and pediatric chiropractor, she commonly works with mom and baby. So far, we’ve heard a lot of chat about the tiny tot, but cruddy positioning to get baby to latch, hunching to feed, stress from birth/ feeding experience and more, all impact how mom is feeling. Working with both mom and baby helps to improve outcomes and gets this little dyad in a lower stress state which can be wildly helpful!

Finding a Chiropractor Experienced in Working with Breastfeeding and Bottle Feeding Difficulty

Not all chiropractors work with babies and those that do are not all equal! If you're interested in seeking chiropractic care to improve your breast or bottle feeding experience, it's essential to find a pediatric/perinatal chiropractor who specializes in working with mothers and babies (an additional bonus for tongue ties, plagiocephaly and torticollis since these are commonly found with feeding concerns- hello tension). Here are a few tips to help you find the right chiropractor:

1. Ask for Recommendations: Reach out to other mothers, lactation groups or lactation consultants in your area for recommendations. They have likely had firsthand experience with chiropractors who have been game-changers for others!

2. Research and Reviews: Do some research online and read reviews of chiropractors in your area. Look for reviews specifically mentioning their experience in working with feeding. Though it’s not a hard-set rule, if you’re on the website and it mentions: personal injury accidents, nutrition, sports, babies and more… you might want to find a practice that specifically specializes in families and/or moms and babes.

3. Consultation: Many pediatric and perinatal chiropractors offer consultations. Dr. Dani offers a free, 15-minute discovery call to discuss concerns and options! This will give you an opportunity to assess the provider’s knowledge and expertise in working with your specific concerns.

Don't hesitate to ask questions and ensure that you feel comfortable with the chiropractor you choose. This is an extremely vulnerable time and moms deserve to feel heard, understood and supported.

Frequently Asked Questions About Chiropractic Care and Breastfeeding

Q: Is chiropractic care safe for breastfeeding mothers and babies?

A: Yes, chiropractic care is safe for both breastfeeding mothers and babies. Chiropractors who specialize in moms and tiny humans use gentle techniques that are specifically tailored to the unique needs of the dyad.

Q: How long does it take to see improvements in breastfeeding difficulties with chiropractic care?

A: The timeline for improvement can vary depending on the individual and the specific challenges they're facing. An exam specific to mom and/or baby’s needs will provide more clarity depending on what’s found and recommended. Balance Chiro and Rehab is not your typical chiro office and Dr. Dani prides herself on the fewest visits possible for the best results and provides parents with at-home exercises to expedite care. Dr. Dani is also a certified Parent-Infant Massage Educator and teaches parents how to work on their babies at home to help with nervous system regulation, decrease tension and improve bonding (this can sometimes feel a bit lost when there are feeding concerns).

Q: Do I need a referral from a healthcare provider to see a chiropractor?


Conclusion: The Potential Benefits of Chiropractic Care in Improving Breastfeeding Experiences

Breastfeeding and bottle feeding can be a major source of tension and stress when things aren’t going well, but finding the right care team can turn a negative experience around and provide answers and solutions. Chiropractic care offers a holistic and drug-free approach to address breastfeeding difficulties by decreasing tension and asymmetries that can impact feeding and improving overall nervous system function. A pediatric chiropractor will work with other providers on your team to determine underlying causes and provide a game plan for mom and baby to ensure every concern is being addressed and mom is being supported.