Dr. Dani performing parent-infant massage with a newborn

Parent - Infant Massage Classes

Learn how to massage and create a better bond with your baby! These classes are designed to help your little one feel more comfortable in their body and promote healthy growth and development!

Parent - Infant massage classes are designed for ages 0 -1 in a small, intimate group setting so you can get the most out of the classes.

Now offering virtual and in-person classes!

If you don’t see an open class, reach out here!

Dr. Dani teaching moms how to massage a baby in Denver Colorado

“I took Dani’s infant massage class via zoom and it was great. So many books extoll the benefits of massaging your baby but don’t provide specific techniques. Dani provided me with tools to feel comfortable massaging my baby.”

  • There are SO many benefits! The short answer though: therapeutic touch promotes bonding, helps relax baby’s nervous system, encourages healthy bowel movements, and decreases the full body tension that can come from in-utero positioning, tongue tie, torticollis, etc. This is the perfect at-home complement to pediatric chiropractic care!


  • The intent behind the massage is to provide relaxing, gentle sensory input and nervous system regulation, not trying to work out muscle knots! Overall, it’s a bonding experience that should be calming for both parent and baby. Some parents like to go all out and put on relaxing music, dim the lights and create a full experience, but that’s not always feasible and is more commonly added to a daily routine such as after a diaper change, during playtime, before bedtime or whenever there’s a break in the day!

  • No matter how beautiful birth is, babies make a rather abrupt entrance into this world. Positioning in the womb and the birth process itself can contribute to tension patterns within a newborn. How infant tension presents can vary from baby one to baby, but can include:

    At-home massage is also a great general wellness tool that provides emotional and physical benefits to both parent and baby.

  • Baby massages are a safe and effective way to bond with your baby and allow them to feel more comfortable in their bodies. The pressure that we use is equivalent to that of which you would use to test an avocado. We always follow the baby’s cues to ensure that it’s an enjoyable experience for both parent and baby and we always follow these safety measures:

    • We always use food-grade (organic, cold-pressed when possible) oils in case any get into the mouth and we do not use oils on the face. It’s important to avoid fragrances (including essential oils), mineral oil and harsh ingredients.

    • We do not massage the top of the head. Babies still have little soft spots we need to avoid!

    • We are ALWAYS careful with picking up our baby after a massage! They can be slippery little things from the oils!

  • Humans are designed to enjoy and even crave touch as the sensation of touch is actually the first sense to develop (at 7-8 weeks) and is incredibly important for our development. In one study, babies born prematurely were provided touch for 15 minutes a day for 10 days and showed a 47% increase in weight gain per day and a 6 day decrease in their hospital in comparison to the babies who did not receive any stimulation. Your baby should always be providing feedback that they are enjoying massage. It’s a general rule of thumb that babies are not to be massaged if they aren’t calm, alert and content.

  • I recommend massaging your baby every day if possible. There is no set time for a massage to provide benefit so the answer is- as long as you and baby are enjoying it! The massages are extremely gentle so your baby should never be sore. You can even carry this routine into childhood!

  • All you need for a parent-infant massage are your hands, your baby, a good oil (see below) and a blanket!

  • The quality of oil matters when it comes to massaging a newborn or infant. Everyone knows that infants put everything in their mouths! The gold standard for the best baby massage oil is a high-quality (preferably organic), unscented, cold-pressed vegetable oil. Dr. Dani personally uses jojoba oil in her classes.

  • The best time of the day to massage your baby is when they are awake, alert and content. Choose a time when your baby is happy and relaxed. If you know your little one has big feelings at a certain time of the day, try before or after that time period. In the morning, before bed or about 30 minutes after a feed are all great times to ramp up those “feel good hormones” like oxytocin for both you and baby and give their little bodies some care. You know your baby best, so choose a time that they are in a good mood and ready to happily receive some attention!