Optimal Pregnancy and Postpartum Wellness: Recommended Chiropractic Care Frequency
Discover the recommended frequency of chiropractic care during pregnancy and postpartum to help support a healthy perinatal experience!
Regulating Your Nervous System : How Chiropractic Can Influence the Vagus Nerve
Discover how chiropractic care can help regulate your nervous system and positively impact the vagus nerve. Learn more about the benefits of chiropractic for overall well-being.
Dry Needling During Pregnancy and Postpartum
Discover the safety, precautions, and potential benefits of dry needling during pregnancy and postpartum!
Working Out During Pregnancy- New Research
New research on the health benefits of weightlifting during pregnancy and see how a prenatal chiropractor can help throughout pregnancy!
What is a Chiropractic Adjustment?
Dr. Dani is a Denver Chiropractor specializing in family, pregnancy, postpartum and pediatric chiropractic! Learn about how chiropractic can reduce pain and improve mobility, what chiropractic adjustments are and how they can help you!
Hip Hinging is the Hippest Exercise For Injury Prevention
Dr. Dani, a Postpartum Rehab Chiropractor in Denver, discusses hip hinging. This includes how to hip hinge, why you should hip hinge and different progressions for hip hinging.
Why Chiropractic During Pregnancy and Postpartum!?
Chiropractic care during pregnancy and postpartum